A celebration of local plants & people.
We look forward to seeing you November 2rnd at Zilker Botanical Garden! Here is our initial list of classes. As classes continue to be confirmed, you will find them here.
The 2019 class schedule is posted below! Download a PDF of the schedule here.
register here Download ScheduleMOONFLOWER CLASSES 2019
Many Central Texas botanicals lend themselves to distillation, from invasives like mimosa and honeysuckle, to culinary herbs like rosemary and oregano, to our local Juniperus species. Clinical Aromatherapist and Aromatic Medicine Practitioner Amy Kreydin will demonstrate the process of distillation using a clear, pyrex glass still so participants can see each phase of distillation. Botanical formulators use hydrosols in cosmetics to hydrate, nourish, and tone the integumentary system. As botanical allies hydrosols can be incorporated into wellness plans to support mind, body, and spirit through oral, dermal, and inhaled applications. In the kitchen, hydrosols enhance the taste and aroma of food and beverages. Explore how this type of botanical extraction can enhance your personal self-care routine as well as your botanical practice on multiple levels!
in this class we will underestand the connection between the womb, the emotions, and how they connect with watere.
We will cover specifically: Herbal allies for womb health Overall emotional health Understanding the significance of water.
in creating a sacred bath you’ll leaern one of many ways to create a water cleansing for yourself & others on the healing path
We’ll work with the ceremony & the intention of first creating sacred space to take a bath. Have you ever asked water permission to enter? Then we’ll work with the salts, essences, oils, herbal powders, crystals and more to actually blend up a healing bath. Each of you will be able to take a little bit of this magickal blend home with you to experience in your own sacred & private space.
learn how to use the moon phases and zodiac signs to make the most of your gardening.
This is an ancient traditional system of agricultural production used globally which is believed to enhance growth, performance and magickal potencies of plants.
It is happening. We all need to be conscious of this and do everything we can to help heal this very serious situation. Those of us who are gardeners can focus more on planting drought-tolerant, xeriscape herbs and plants. Many of us already do this by using Natives in our gardens, but there are also many herbs that are water-wise as well. Become familiar with these plants, their needs, their medicinal benefits and their beauty. Learn how to grow them and how to use them.
Brain fog, fatigue, depression, anger and sleep issues are symptoms of dehydration. The use of neuroprotective herbs like Bacopa, Ashwagandha, Gotu-Kola and Reishi mushrooms will be recommended. Class will end with a blessing to our internal water and the water of the planet. We are One with nature. Turbulence and chaos in the water cycle mirrors the chaos of the human society. Separation is an illusion.
In traditional medicine, learning and the use of plants is very broad, because it requires wisdom gleaned from a deep understanding of astronomy, history, agronomy, chemistry, and philosophy.
All of this comes from being in the “laboratory” of daily life. Graduations, or examinations of herbal and healing knowledge do not require passing written tests, but is a lifelong journey. This class will bring you herbs and healing practices from traditional peoples of Southern Mexico, and how traditional peoples use herbal knowledge in day-to-day life.
Our waterways are home to some of our favorite herbal allies!
Come learn about these wonderful plants, including Bald Cypress, Gotu Kola, Lobelia, and Spicebush.
here in central texas,
we are surrounded by juniper
You may know her as Cedar and may not have the best relationship depending on the severity of your allergies, but our friend Juniper has been used by humans for her medicine and magic for thousands of years all over the globe. In this class we’ll get to know and love this abundant native tree. We’ll learn how to make: Winter Gin Juniper Salve Juniper Smudge Sticks and/or incense
How do we honor death, the transformation from earthbound to the next realm?
How to prepare for the last loving journey: creating dignity, choices honored, where and with whom? Herbal care from oils to baths, written forms to manifest desires, support ideas for all loved ones.
we’ll unfold the magical and subtle meanings of water seen through the sophisticated healing system of ancient ayurveda.
Back to basics, we unravel the age old wisdoms of what it really means to have health, be happy and enjoy nourishing loving relationships. The foundations will be laid to set you on a course to heal the most greatest love of all, the one with yourself, a perfect love. Part of the journey is a sensual exploration of what Ayurveda calls Ojas, having qualities of the water element is the force of contentment that gives you endurance, stability.. sexual potency and libido for life! Learn to steadily build your health through your years with beauty, botanicals, lifestyle and soul work in a framework that will feel natural to your entire being.
traditionally water is viewed as multidimensional space that can be both ‘crossed overe’ and can contain spirits.
Due to this, water can convey messages and take messages to the other side. Learn how the combination of Water, Holy Leaves, and Ancestral memories work together to help sustain you in troubling times and to refresh you in times of plenty. Bring a notebook and a white headscarf/hat for your head to this class along with your prayer petitions for a spiritual cleansing as part of your participation. Send any questions to ( either me or moonflowerherbfest-let me know which one-my email address is roseofsharonherbalist@gmail.com)
learn more about Maria Elena Martinezin this class we will explore the energetics and physiology of water from a five element perspective
-how it effects our mood, perception, and overall health. We will discuss which botanicals & foods best balance our water element, as well as which water-supporting herbs you can successfully grow and harvest in our Central Texas climate.
Nicole will lead a native plant walk focusing on what planets rule different plants, with a focus on the element of water and planets associated.
come and experience an oral tradition story
Come and experience an oral tradition story about the cosmology of the MEXICA Nation. The focus will be on Tlaloc and Chalchihuitlicue, the vertical and horizontal waters. How does this knowledge apply to all of us today.