In Honor Of: Maria Elena Martinez
Maria Elena is a retired teacher, a life-long student and social activist working in her community for many years in the area of bilingual education, social and political change and women’s right. She currently volunteers at the Indigenous Women Network/Alma de Mujer Center, a community retreat center that provides a sacred space for various groups to gather, learn, heal and do ceremony in Austin, Tx. After studying with Doña Enriqueta Contreras for many years, Marie Elena teaches Shamanism, supports a community drum circle, and offers spiritual healing work in her community.
Storytelling, Altar Building & Ceremonies
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Rosita Arvigo
Dr. Rosita Arvigo DN, a native of Chicago, is a naprapathic physician, herbalist, international lecturer and author. She has lived in remote areas of Mexico and Belize for over forty years where she studied with many traditional healers the most notable of whom were Don Elijio Panti, the renowned Maya shaman of Belize and midwife/ herbalist Hortence Robinson, both recipients of the coveted National Living Treasure Award. She and her husband, Dr. Greg Shropshire founded Ix Chel Tropical Research Centre in Belize, an organization dedicated to the preservation and study of medicinal plants of the rainforest. She is the founder of The Arvigo Institute that trains practitioners in the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy and Maya Spiritual Healing. Now retired from clinical practice, Rosita divides her time between teaching in Belize, Mexico and Chicago. arvigotherapy.com
The Three Sisters of Mercy: Rosemary, Rue and Marigold, Plant Walk

Nicole Telkes – Cofounder of Moonflower Herb Fest
Nicole Telkes is a Practicing Herbalist, RH(AHG), writer, speaker, and naturalist from Austin, TX.She has a background in botanical studies, plant conservation work, community activism, and herbal first aid clinics.Nicole has spent the last 20 years traveling around wild and weedy corners of North America studying and using bioregional native and naturalized medicinal plants and wrote the book: The Medicinal Plants of TexasNicole is the lead teacher and founder of the Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine in Austin, which has offered one month to one year onsite and online education in holistic western herbalism since 2003.Nicole is also a founder of the Traditions not Trademark Free Fire Cider campaign working to protect our traditional remedies for future generations. Nicole is also a Co-Founder of the Moonflower Herb Fest. nicoletelkes.com
The Poison Path Working with Drop Dosage Herbs in Practice
Beth Ebbing Johnson – Cofounder of Moonflower Herb Fest
Beth’s love of herbs and nature came from growing up on her family’s farm for 18 years. She started her herbal school journey in 1997 at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts(SWIHA) in Tempe Arizona. She studied many holistic modalities that included Herbalism, Hypnotherapy, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Energy work,& others. She graduated with a degree in Holistic Healthcare with a speciality in Western Herbalism. This lead her to many different herbal jobs from corporate to local herb shops until finally her dream of owning her own herb shop came true in 2012. Sacred Moon Herbs was born in Dripping Springs, Texas. Beth is a member of the AHG, ABC, UpS & Co-Founder of the Moonflower Herb Fest. She also sits on the Alma de Mujer council in Austin.sacredmoonoherbs.com
Creating Daily Practical Magick with Plants, Sight, Sense & Sound

Mary Ayodele
Mary Ayodele isa priestess, herbalist, teacher, writer, rootwomin, ritual artist and cultural preservationist in Houston, Texas.As Foundress of the Institute of Africana Cosmology, sheshares the significant cultural and spiritual importance of plants in African traditional, diasporic religions and their kinship to Native American ethnobotany.She teaches about the healing wisdom of Africana people worldwide in workshops, lectures, and apprenticeships.
Plant Based Support after recovery and Detox, Stepping Back From The Edge: Strengthen Your Spiritual Immune System with Herbs
D’Coda, Ozark Grannywoman
D’Coda is the last in a line of Ozark Grannywomen (herbal healers). She spent ten years living in an isolated Ozark federal wilderness preserve, the Hurricane Creek Wilderness Preserve. There she lived alone but not alone because she was adopted by the Forest who taught her how to tap in to Nature’s broadband. A primitive skills school discovered her and for several years, brought students in to learn about edible and medicinal plants. After leaving the wilderness in 2009 she continued to teach plant knowledge to students traveling from nearby states. Weary of the travel they asked her to teach online as well so she started an online herbal school, now known as the Ozark Herbal Academy, located at FireOmEarth Botanical Sanctuary in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. The Ozark Herbal Academy also offers instruction on its campus. Recognizing a need for “one place” to access the richness of herbal knowledge, she devoted years into creating the Ultimate Herbal Database, now available to the public at ultimateherbaldatabase.online for a monthly subscription.
Uncommon Uses for Common Herbs, Pine and Juniper at your service

Donna Belk
Donna Belk is a home funeral educator, and death and dying guide. She works with families and/or the dying to help facilitate a kind and graceful end of life. She is a certified life coach, and offers an online training course, Beyond Hospice, for those who wish to become a death midwife or simply educate themselves more about the process. She is one of the founders of the National Home Funeral Alliance, a non-profit organization that educates the public about their rights and best practices for home funerals.
Green Burials
Robin Rose Bennett
Robin Rose Bennett, founder of Wisewoman Healing Ways – Herbal Medicine and EarthSpirit Teachings, is a gifted herbalist, writer, and spiritual teacher. The focus of her healing work is to share the loving generosity of the earth and the magic, mystery, and beauty of the web of life while using herbal medicine to help people to heal and to birth their true selves in this time of profound transformation. Since 1986 she has taught at schools, clinics, hospitals, progressive and holistic organizations, and most joyously, outside with the plants. She is a faculty member of the New York Open Center and The ArborVitae School of Traditional Herbalism, both in New York City, and is the author of two meditation CD’s.RobinRoseBennett.com.
The Art of Topical Herbalism, Compassionate Case Studies, Moon Magic and Women’s Wisdom

Paul Bergner
Paul Bergner is Director of the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism in Portland, OR where he offers distance education and seminar training in clinical skills, medical herbalism, nutrition, and nature cure. He supervised a teaching clinic in medical herbalism and clinical nutrition in Boulder, CO from 1996 until 2013, and has published and edited the Medical Herbalism journal since 1989. He has studied and practiced natural medicine, medical herbalism, and nutrition since 1973. He has authored seven books on medical herbalism, clinical nutrition, ethnobotany, and naturopathic medicine.
Herbs for the Spiritual Heart, How to sit with a Patient, Medical Herbalism and the Therapeutic Order
Alicia Enciso Litschi
Alicia Enciso Litschi is a licensed psychologist in Texas who is passionate about restoring the rightful place of the soul and healing work in Western mental health. She feels deeply called to listen and connect to the ancestors, who are eager to serve as wisdom teachers to us. Alicia earned her Ph.D. in counseling psychology and focused her dissertation research on the courageous women of Alma de Mujer and Indigenous healers who are helping communities remember the power of women’s healing work on this planet.conalmatherapy.com
Storytelling: Honoring and Communing with Alma and Ceremonies

Eshe Faizah
Eshe Faizah empowers Women to reconnect their Wombs to themselves and the Earth and begin the “Healing Journey”. She travels throughout US & the Caribbean teaching Women, WombLoveOlogy and other stories from “The Wisdom of Our Herbal Elders”.She does syndicated radio, TV and guest speaking at Universities, Herbal and Lifestyle events. Eshe lives in Atlanta, where she maintains a Vibrant Practice, has 3 adult sons and a daughter, that just turned 18. Yeee-haaa! herbsistah.com
Womb Loveology, Cycles and Seasons
Margi Flint
Margi Flint has enjoyed EarthSong Herbals family practice & herb school in the seacoast town of Marblehead, Massachusetts since 1977.Over these many years she has become their “Village Herbalist.”Margi continues to teach Advanced Clinical Studies.She is on the staff at Pacific Rim College in British Columbia, Earth Medicine Institute in Hawaii plus guest lectures at numerous Universities and symposiums nationally and internationally.Her most revered teachers are the plants and her clients.Flint is the author of a textbook, now in its third edition, titled The Practicing Herbalist, meeting with clients, reading the body.Copies will be available for purchase.
Home Medicine, Creating Herbal First Aid Kits for your Family, Cowgirl Sidewalk Diagnostics

Charlotte Kikel
Charlotte Kikel, MS, is a wife, mother, educator, herbalist,nutritionist, self-care advocate, and former asthmatic. When her vitality collapsed 14 years ago, conventional medicine failed her. She began studying nutrition and herbal medicine and decided to make a career out of it, striving to bring clarity and practicality to the overwhelming world of wellness. She founded Eat in Peace Wellness Consulting in 2004 and resides in Austin, Texas with her husband and son. charlottekikel.com
Herbal Salve Making
Kathleen Maier
Kathleen Maier, RH (AHG). PA has been a practicing herbalist for over twenty–five years. She is currently director of Sacred Plant Traditions in Charlottesville, VA where she offers a Three Year Clinical/Community Herbalist training program. SPT’s free clinic was one of the first on the east coast and is still growing strong. She teaches at the University of Virginia as well as national and international conferences. She sits on the United Plant Savers Board and was the recipient of their first Medicinal Plant Conservation Award. Kathleen’s studies of plants began as a Peace Corps volunteer in Chile and her training as a Physician’s Assistant allows her to weave the language of medicine we know today with traditional energetic systems. She is co-author of Bush Medicine of San Salvador Island, Bahamas. sacredplanttraditions.com
Entheogen’s and the Dying Process, The Heart of the Matter: Cardiovascular Health for Women.

Brigitte Mars
Brigitte Mars is an herbalist and nutritional consultant of Natural Health with over forty years of experience. She teaches Herbal Medicine at Naropa University, Bauman College of Holistic Nutrition, The School of Natural Medicine, , and Heilseimestraskollin in Iceland. She has taught at Omega Institute, Esalen, Kripalu, and The Mayo Clinic, She blogs for the Huffington Post and Care2. She is a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild.
Brigitte is the author of many books and DVDs, including The Home Reference to Holistic Health and Healing, The Country Almanac of Home Remedies, The Desktop Guide to Herbal Medicine, Beauty by Nature, Addiction Free Naturally, The Sexual Herbal, Healing Herbal Teas, Rawsome! and co-author of The HempNut Cookbook. DVDS include Sacred Psychoactives, Herbal Wizardry for Kids of all Ages, Natural Remedies for Childhood Ailments and Natural Remedies for Emotional Health.Brigitte and her daughter, Sunflower Sparkle Mars run Herb Camp for Kids in Boulder, Colorado.www.brigittemars.com
Sacred Psychoactives, Natural Methods for Mental and EmotionalHealth, Natural Remedies for Sexuality and Reproductive Health
Anne Merrill
Anne Merrill moved to Austin in 1996 and immediately fell in love with the bioregion. While pursuing her BA in sociology and women’s studies at UT, her existing love of plants led her to take a native plants class. Passion kindled, she went on to work at a plant nursery (Howard) and then a local herb shop (Natural Magick). In 2006, she was honored to study with Michael Moore as a member of his last class. After herb school she worked for Ginger Webb at Texas Medicinals. Anne became certified as a personal fitness trainer in 2009 and licensed as a massage therapist in 2012. To promote professional community in our field, she founded and is a past president of the Texas Chapter of the American Herbalists Guild. As a teacher, Anne is inspired the teaching methods that have been developed to connect people with the natural world. She is a Texas Master Naturalist and a certified interpretive guide through the National Association for Interpretation, as well as the High Priestess of the Cult of the Obvious. In 2014 she moved to Berlin, Germany, where she currently practices, teaches and gardens.http://www.annelouisemerrill.com
Austin Materia Medica

Tania Neubauer
Tania Neubauer began her healthcare career as a community health worker and counselor at the Berkeley Free Clinic, and as an herbalist and massage therapist. Her interest in holistic medicine and making it accessible to all people led her to a calling to become a physician. After completing her training as a naturopathic doctor in Portland, she worked in a clinic run by Natural Doctors International inside a public hospital in rural Nicaragua. On returning to Oregon, she worked at La Clinica de Guadalupe in Salem before joining Virginia Garcia, a nonprofit clinic, where she works primarily with Spanish-speaking and low-income patients.
She is on the faculty of the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism and the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism. She is associate editor of the journal Medical Herbalism.She completed a certificate of clinical herbalism at the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine with Michael Moore. She also studied herbalism with the Pacific School of Herbal Medicine, with Karyn Sanders, and with the California School of Traditional Hispanic Herbalism. Her deepest joy is spending time in wild places with the plants themselves as teachers.http://www.naimh.com/
Herbalism in Communities: Creating Clinics, Recognizing and Working with Anemia Naturally
Olivia Pepper
Olivia Pepper is a lifelong herbalist as well as a professional mystic, Tarot card reader and writer. She spent several years in Austin Texas getting to know the plants and training with wonderful teachers, and has also worked in the bioregions of the Pacific Northwest, Southern Mexico and Southern California. She is currently traveling and writing a novel, and by the time Moonflower Herb Fest takes place she will have completed additional herb training in France.
Passionflower: An illumination

Brandi Jo Perkins
Brandi Jo Perkins is a practicing herbalist and yoga teacher located in Austin, TX. She studied at the Wild Flower School of Botanical Medicine, under Nicole Telkes and a few other wonderful teachers. She has also branched out to study Clinical Nutrition under Thomas Easely and Herbs for the Chakra System with Ginger Webb of recently. She continues to work on refining her services with mentors and plans on being a practicing herbalist and yogini for the rest of her life. She currently teaches forms of Hatha yoga 4-5 times a week and she operates under the herbal product line Ritual Union.brandijoperkins.com
Elizabeth Quigg
Elizabeth is a holistic flower essence and energy practitioner, teacher, mentor. Throughout her life she has had an affinity with Nature. She began her professional life study in the eighties when she met her first herbal teacher Gail Ulrich. For thirty years she has continued a rich life path of in depth study and practice with a diverse set of teachers in the holistic healing arts of shamanic practice, yogic healing, energy alchemy and womb wellness. She specializes in the connections between emotional – spiritual wellness and physical dis-ease. In 1993 Elizabeth created SiriSage holistic integration where she supports women, their families and animals through the many transitions life presents. 2013 she founded Messages of Nature teaching the art of healing in partnership with Nature and Spirit through meditation, essences, art and ceremony. She is guest teacher for Beauty Blossom Birth a registered prenatal yoga school. In 2009 she picked up Nature photography. She works locally and nationally. She lives in Ausitn, Tx. SiriSage.com
Herbal Essences for Grief and Loss

JoAnna Sanchez
JoAnna Sanchez was called to the craft of Herbalism in 1979 when a fourth generation country Herbalist in New England needed an assistant.Each subsequent role in her vocational evolution has led her to this 18th year of Botanica Herb School in the Sonoran Desert. JoAnna is a community Herbalist with more than 35 years of experience, holds a Bachelor of Science degree in plant studies, and has graduate training in botany. She is the author, director, and primary instructor for the Herbalism program at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, and owner of Botanica, where she does custom compounding and serves as a mentor for new practitioners. Since 1998, JoAnna has been a faculty member at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in the Department of Botanical Medicine, teaching courses and supervising cultivation projects. She is recognized as a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild and her love of the plants continues to be her guiding spirit. https://swiha.edu/western-herbalism-program
Stories from the Shoulders We Stand Upon. Formulary Framework
Karyn Sanders
Karyn Sanders/Nashoba Shilup, who is of choctaw/hungarian jewish ancestry, has been working with clients and teaching herbs since 1976. she is traditionally trained in southeast native american herbal medicine. karyn also went to a western herbal school. she co-owns and runs the blue otter school of herbal medicine in northern california. she has also hosted the herbal highway, a radio show on kpfa/94.1, for the last 20 years.
Holding Clients, A few favorite herbs.

Jen Stovall
Herbal Support after abortions and miscarriagesJen Stovall, a Georgia native, spent her childhood summers exploring the abundance of wild plants in the Southern Appalachian Mountains and the piedmont region. Inspired by the beauty and mystery of wild plant medicines, she began her journey to learn more about herbalism. This led her to study with many of the top herbal teachers in the US: 7song, the late Michael Moore, Phyllis D. Light, Patricia Kyritsi Howell and DeAnna Batdorff.In 2011, Jen opened Maypop Community Herb Shop, a collectively run apothecary and clinic in New Orleans. In the five years since Maypop opened, it has become a primary source of health care for the local community. In addition to her herbal training, Jen holds a BSN-RN from the Louisiana State University School of Nursing, and a NADA Ear Acupuncture Detox Specialist and Trainer license, both of which continue to inform her herbal practice. Jen currently works as a full-time Community Herbalist and Health Educator, using a blend of Southern Folk Medicine and Western Herbalism.www.maypopherbshop.com/
Herbal Libations: Cordials and Shrubs. Rebirth: Abortion & Miscarriage Care
Rosa Tupina Yaotonalcuauhtli
Rosa Tupina Yaotonalcuauhtli has more than thirty years experience as a diverse practitioner in the healing arts and a lifetime in spiritual practices. She has excelled in Public Speaking, Consulting, Training Services, and Holistic Healing. As a powerful Speaker, Consultant, Trainer, Healer and Psychotherapist, she has been able to assist individuals & organizations to grow in many different aspects. Rosa has done outstanding work in the areas of Health, Community Development, Community Mobilization, Cultural Diversity, Spirituality, Human Relations, Organizational Dynamics, Youth Programs, and the Arts. Rosa has been honored by many groups and organizations that have recognized her work and dedication. She believes the arts are the expression of the spirit. She believes in striving for a balance of self, family, career, and community within a spiritual framework.Rosa’s Website
Curanderismo, Temazkal.

Carla Vargas-Frank
Carla Vargas-Frank has been passionately engaged in herbal medicine since 2008, when she began studying at the Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine in Austin, Texas. Her perspective as a Jewish Chicana & her experiences growing up in the grey area between cultural identities has profoundly shaped the lens through which she approaches her work as an artist and an herbalist.
Her focus is in the medicinal plants, traditional food-ways, and folklore of Sonoran Desert, as well as the healing traditions and mysticism of the people therein.
Melezina de Kaza: Ritual Medicine of the Sephardim
Ginger Webb
Ginger Webb has been working with herbs in her community in and around Austin, Texas, for over 20 years and is proud to honor Michael Moore as one of her greatest teachers. A wildcrafter and medicine maker, Ginger provides herbal remedies locally through her business Texas Medicinals. As an herb teacher, she has been inspiring young people and adults alike through programs such as Little Green Witches (camps and year-long apprenticeships for girls) and now through Sacred Journey School of Herbalism. Having grown up among the wild sassafras and Queen Anne’s Lace of northern New Jersey, she is happy to feel at home now with the Bald Cypress and wildflowers of central Texas.
The Wild Herbs of Alma de Mujer

Matthew Wood
Matthew Wood has been a practicing herbalist since 1982. In a period when many authors and lecturers are merely “arm chair herbalists” who offer theories and opinions based on book learning, and others have turned to the exotic traditions of India or China, he has been an active practitioner of traditional Western herbalism. He has helped tens of thousands of clients over the years, with many difficult health problems. While Matthew believes in the virtue of many other healing modalities, he has always been inspired to learn, preserve, and practice the tradition of herbal medicine descending to us from our European, Anglo-American, and Native American heritage. He is a member of the American Herbalists Guild (registered herbalist) and has earned his Masters of Sciencedegree from the Scottish School of Herbal Medicine (accredited by the University of Wales).matthewwoodherbs.com
Shamanic Herbalism, The 6 Tissue States
Ellen Zimmerman
Ellen Zimmermann, M.A., Certified Herbalist, founded EZ Herbs in 1995. Ellen is a Certified Herbalist, a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Marriage and Family Therapist and an avid gardener. She has successfully blended these professions to fulfill her mission of educating others on how to best use the plants and herbs we can grow in our own environment. She has developed a special interest and expertise in Women’s Health and the herbs most beneficial to women of all ages. As the founder and director of the Austin School of Herbal Studies Ellen offers a variety of programs, classes and practicum sessions on a wide range of herbal topics. ezherbs.net
Singing with Plants in the Medicine Wheel Garden