moonflower herb fest presents
Our Conference Teachers for 2018
mary ayodele – keynote speaker
Mary Ayodele is a prophetess, community herbalist, educator and cultural preservationist in Houston, Texas. As Foundress of the Institute of Africana Cosmology, she shares the significant cultural and spiritual importance of plants in African traditional and diasporic religions, and their kinship to Native American ethnobotany. She teaches about the healing wisdom of Africana people worldwide in workshops, lectures, and apprenticeships.
Acting from conscience is not always easy. This class will cover strategies to build resilience from overcoming hardships in our lives. We will explore herbs and rituals coming from the africana cosmology to help bring a better flow into our lives.

Nicole telkes – cofounder of moonflower
Nicole Telkes is a Practicing Herbalist, RH(AHG), writer, speaker, and naturalist from Austin, TX. She has a background in botanical studies, plant conservation work, community activism, and herbal first aid clinics. Nicole has spent the last 20 years traveling around wild and weedy corners of North America, studying and using bioregional native and naturalized medicinal plants, and wrote the book: “The Medicinal Plants of Texas”. Nicole is the lead teacher and founder of the Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine in Austin, which has offered one-month to one-year onsite and online education in holistic western herbalism since 2003. Nicole is a founder of the Traditions Not Trademark Free Fire Cider campaign, working to protect our traditional remedies for future generations. Nicole is also a Co-Founder of the Moonflower Herb Fest.
Take a witchy journey the age old tradition of flying ointments, the history, and ingredients, and how to make them.An Ointment will be demoed and you will get to try it.We will also cover some common entheogenic/visionary plants and the pros and cons associated with experimentation.
Join us for a walk around Zilker botanical gardens looking at the medicinal qualities of some of the plants growing there
beth ebbing johnson- cofounder 2016
Beth’s love of herbs and nature came from growing up on her family’s farm for the first 18 years of her life. She started her herbal school journey in 1997 at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts(SWIHA) in Tempe, Arizona. She studied many holistic modalities including Herbalism, Hypnotherapy, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Energy work & others. She graduated with a degree in Holistic Healthcare with a specialty in Western Herbalism. This lead her to many different herbal jobs from large corporate herbal companies to local herb shops until finally her dream of owning her own herb shop came true in 2012. Sacred Moon Herbs was born in Dripping Springs, Texas. This is where she teaches others daily about the plants & healing modalities. Beth loves community. She has served as the local chapter president, and is a member of the American Herbalists Guild. She is a member of the American Botanical Council, a corporate member of the United Plant Savers, and a co-founder of the 2016 Moonflower Herb Fest. She continues to educate herself at herbal conferences and courses from around the world, and is very grateful for this plant path in her life.
Grief can look many different ways and everyone processes differently. What might work for me might be different for you. In this class we will cover ways you may wish to start your healing journey.
- Vibrational energies of flower & gem essences
- Energetics of heart healing plants along with the some of the
- “Go to” essential oils to help shift grief
- Discuss a bit about what it might look like to walk alongside the dying as a death doula
Aremisa, known as the Coach Aremisa or the Indigenous Doula, is an Emotional Wellness Coach, former birth doula, community centered herbalist, teacher, and businesswoman. She has been serving the Dallas-Fort Worth area for the past 16 years in various community projects. Aremisa has always been dedicated to the empowerment of woman and families, helping to create stronger family units within her community. She is co-owner of Indigenous Remedies, which is the premier educational resource for herbal, holistic, and earth sciences and education. She and her husband, Malikk ‘Dr. Turtle’ Hailey, started the company in 2004. As an Emotional Wellness Coach, Aremisa coaches women through traumatic womb experiences such as miscarriage, loss, cesarean, and other emotional womb issues. Her approach to healing is compassionate and facilitates the promotion of self-acceptance, self-love, and self-care. She is also a trained Four Elemental Mother’s Practitioner and is trained in Ancient Trauma healing. Aremisa often uses ceremonial science as means to healing with her clients Aremisa has also written several birth articles for the Dallas Examiner and has been a guest on a variety of online radio programs, and summits. Aremisa has been married to her wonderful husband for 15 years and is mother to Afu-Ra, Nekaybaw, and Kumara.
Hormones are the chemical messengers between the systems of the body. What messages are our hormones sending us? What are they telling us about our physical and energetic selves? And how can we create a deeper sense of self and healing by listening to our hormonal messages? This workshop will cover:
- A basic understanding of hormonal health and the endocrine system.
- How the body and spirit are impacted by a disruption in the hormonal system.
- How you can support the hormonal system can be supported by herbal therapy.
- The benefit of ceremony on the hormones and their messages.
Maria carbonell
Maria Carbonell is a practitioner of Ayurveda, energy healer, aromatherapist, and sacred plant medicine healer. She founded Sama Ayurveda in 2009, and is passionate about helping anyone with a desire heal from the inside-out to harness the power of their body’s natural ability to self heal and restore balance and energy flow. She has studied at Dhyana Center in Sebastopol, CA and California College of Ayurveda, along with learning Marma Therapy from Dr. Vasant Lad, and holding certifications in Essential Oil Therapeutics from Floracopiea in Grass Valley, and Reiki at Usui Reiki, Santa Barbara.
You may know a woman who has “it”. She can wear a rice sack and still ooze juiciness and beauty. Both men and women are drawn to her, even better she draws in her desires through her magnetism, an energy that is cultivated from within. We explore the new paradigm of health where sexual health is about vitality, radiant beauty, and naturally feeling in your feminine. This session will include a brief introduction to Ayurveda and “the sensual woman medicine cabinet of top herbal aphrodisiacs and aromatic potions to increase vitality and sensuality

filiberto delgado
Born in Mexico in a Peasant family of indigenous origin, from the first years of existence as part of education for knowledge and survival as my first contact with herbal medicine. Learning about the knowledge and identification of Herbs was from 4 years to 17, as advised by my mother, who was a Community Healer with knowledge Inherited from my grandmother Tatara. After completing high school I decided to study in medical school, which on one hand made me doubt the effectiveness of traditional medicine but later reaffirmed it because the the doctors inside the School of Medicine were connoisseurs and practitioners of traditional medicine. Since then I have studied with different practitioners in several countries in lectures courses, books and with a group of Traditional Doctors to which I belong. I practice the art of healing by alternative means for the mind and the spirit.
In traditional medicine learning and the use of plants is very broad because it requires wisdom gleaned from a deep understanding of astronomy, history, agronomy, chemistry, philosophy.All of this comes from being in the “laboratory” of daily life.Graduations or examinations of herbal and healing knowledge does not require passing written tests but is a lifelong journey.This class will bring you herbs and healing practices from traditional peoples of Southern Mexico and how traditional peoples use herbal knowledge in day to day life.
carol-lee fisher
In the 1990’s Apprentice with Sedonia Cayhill at her Mystery school “The Great Round” for 2 years where I learned to create and lead Ceremonies and Women circles, Sweat lodge and Vision Quest. Apprentice for 2 years with Donna d’Terra at her herb school ” Motherland”… Advanced herb teacher training with Rosemary Gladstar. Have retired from my private herb practice “A Fork in the Road” Was part of the team that created and produced the weekly Television program “Wellness Connection”that showcased wide range of alternative practitioners at work. Have lead ceremonies and taught herb classes in various venues all over over southern Texas. and just live life to its fullest
This age old ceremony that empowers women who have started menopause and older to claim the title of “”wise women”” and accept their rightful place in the world, with joy and celebration. This ceremony is open to maidens, and women of all ages to come witness and honor the new crones . This interactive ceremony includes; chant, dance, blessing and calls upon each crone to share the wisdom they have learned in their many years of experience. This is a time of taking a new name, as we move beyond the middle years to the time of being old, wise, and powerful. “

Meg is immensely grateful to be on this path and humbled by the call to devote herself to our beloved plant family. A child of the South, she spent her youth at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains, enchanted by all the little critters that inhabit that space. Her mama’s gardens were her greatest sanctuary, and it was in that place where she found comfort and the ability to keenly listen to the quiet conversations of the Earth. Through the convoluted path of creative endeavors and travel, she discovered her great-grandmothers on both her matrilineal and patrilineal lines were herbalists in the deep south of Georgia. It has been through ancestral inquiries, and returning to the forest time and time again that she has found her personal truths. Meg believes deeply that being a queer woman is a gift that informs her magic. Being queer means knowing how to make friends with your shadows – and how to see the beauty in the gray areas of life. She is proud of her southern roots and the incredible bioregional knowing that runs through her blood. In 2009, Meg graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Central Arkansas with a BA in Creative Writing and a BA in Spanish. She studied at the Wildflower School with Nicole Telkes in 2012, and then completed the Advanced Clinical Herbalism program at the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism under Lisa Ganora and Paul Bergner. She is currently enrolled in Aviva Romm’s Herbal Medicine for Women course. She has been a practicing herbalist for nearly 7 years now, with a passion for working with women, children and queer communities. She believes deeply in the blurred lines between science and magic.
In this time together we will explore what it means to be queer, and how this unique expression is reflected all throughout nature. With space to share our own experiences and predilections around this topic, we will unpack the stiff boxes of identity that our culture categorizes us in, with the hopes of communal healing and new found understanding around the topic. The latter part of this gathering will focus on bioregional + queer plant allies for ritual, protection, elevation and nervous system support. All are welcome, whether you consider yourself a part of the LGBTQIA community or an ally who wishes to learn more around this topic. Come as you are.
Charlotte kikel
Charlotte Kikel, MS, is a wife, mother, teacher, herbalist, nutritionist, self-care advocate, and founder of Eat in Peace Wellness Consulting. Her professional practice draws wisdom from personal health breakthroughs, commitment to ongoing education, formal training, and clinical work. She holds a Masters of Science in Western Herbal Medicine from Maryland University of Integrative Health (formerly the Tai Sophia Institute) and is a graduate of the Nutrition Consultant program at Bauman College in Santa Cruz, California. She lives in Austin, Texas with her husband and son. In January 2018, she published her first book titled “Eat in Peace to Live in Peace: Your Handbook for Vitality”.
Just because something is common doesn’t mean it’s normal. Many times we feel like victims when it comes to suffering from seasonal allergies. Yes, some environments are more challenging than others but the first step to healing is to realize that we are participants and the co-creators of our lives. This class will address the things we do that contribute to allergic physiology, as well as to help you build your natural medicine cabinet so that you can be as prepared as possible when the next seasonal stressor hits. There is hope! “

Maria elena martinez
Maria Elena is a retired teacher, a life-long student, and social activist working in her community for many years in the area of bilingual education, social and political change, and women’s right. She currently volunteers at the Indigenous Women’s Network/Alma de Mujer Center, a community retreat center that provides a sacred space for various groups to gather, learn, heal, and do ceremony in Austin, Tx. After studying with Doña Enriqueta Contreras for many years, Marie Elena teaches Shamanism, supports a community drum circle, and offers spiritual healing work in her community.
william morris
William Morris, PhD, DAOM, has 37 years of clinical experience. He is a leading expert on pulse diagnosis. Will authored “Li Shi-zhen Pulse Studies: An Illustrated Guide”, and leads 6-month mentoring programs for clinical herbalists in the western tradition. He also teaches pulse diagnosis internationally and in a regionally accredited doctoral program at AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine in Austin, Texas.
This class will explore the relationship between cycles of the day month and year to health conditions as demonstrated in conventional medical research. It is surprising the degree to which conventional medicine demonstrates the affect of the three most important cycle phenomena in astrology. We then explore the use of the cycle for the purposes of developing herbal treatment strategies based upon plant parts and therapeutic categories. This approach has roots in many indigenous cultures and adds profoundly to the efficacy of herbal medicine.
brandi jo perkins
Brandi Jo Perkins is an Energetic Clinical Herbalist and Yoga Instructor. She studied Clinical Energetic Herbalism with Karyn Sanders and Sarah Holmes at the Blue Otter School of Herbal Medicine, and Clinical Western Herbalism with Nicole Telkes at the Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine. She offers yoga and herb classes, herbal consultations, and has a business called Ritual Union. Through Ritual Union, she offers botanical medicines, skin care, and other services. Trained in Energetic and Vitalist traditions of Herbalism, her work is about returning to cultivating harmony, health, and balance inside and out – mind, body, and spirit. Ritual Union
An experiential class exploring the subtle energy of plant medicine through movement. Attendees will be encouraged to create a 3 part movement sequence after taking a mystery herb. As we are motivated to move through the energetics of the plant, our body will become a blue print for it’s translation, that will become a mantra. The movement will become mantra for calling upon this plant in the cellular memory. It’s a fun way to get to know yourself and the plants in relationship. Please wear loose fitting clothing”
Esther Schroeder is from Venezuela. She obtained her B.S. in Engineering Science from the University of Michigan in 1982. She has worked in major hospitals as a clinical perfusionist and as a clinical research associate. Esther is also a Certified Herbalist from the Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine. She is the mother of three wonderful boys, and loves traveling and exploring foreign cultures. She has a distiller and enjoys making hydrosols, botanical lotions, and spagyrics utilizing the philosophical principles of alchemy. Currently, her focus has moved to the medicinal properties of metals.
Live demonstration of how to make colloidal gold and use it to empower all herbal medicines. We can close with a short meditation focused on developing golden consciousness and a brief introduction to how it fits into alchemical theory.

Rosa tupina Yaotonalcuauhtli
Rosa Tupina Yaotonalcuauhtli has more than thirty years experience as a diverse practitioner in the healing arts, and a lifetime in spiritual practices. She has excelled in Public Speaking, Consulting, Training Services, and Holistic Healing. As a powerful Speaker, Consultant, Trainer, Healer, and Psychotherapist, she has been able to assist individuals and organizations to grow in many different aspects. Rosa has done outstanding work in the areas of Health, Community Development, Community Mobilization, Cultural Diversity, Spirituality, Human Relations, Organizational Dynamics, Youth Programs, and the Arts Rosa has been honored by many groups and organizations that have recognized her work and dedication. She believes the arts are the expression of the spirit. She believes in striving for a balance of self, family, career, and community within a spiritual framework.
Jenny Perez
Jenny Perez has been working to re-connect plants and people for 15 years by sharing her passion and practices of urban horticulture, kitchen medicine and therapeutic nutrition. She is the former manager of the Bastyr University medicinal herb garden and created and directed the Holistic Landscape Design certificate program. Currently, she works as the Education Coordinator for the American Botanical Council and teaches Permaculture for Herbalists, and Herbal Pharmacy and Preparations for the Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine.
Whether you are new to gardening or a gardening enthusiast, the central Texas climate is unique and somewhat challenging for successful plant cultivation. Learn about resources and strategies for successful herb cultivation including site location, soil, seeds, and seaweed! Harvesting and post-harvest handling tips will be discussed as well as the concept of value-added products. This class is designed to keep central Texas gardeners inspired while working smarter and not harder.
Ginger webb
Ginger Webb is a community herbalist, mother, certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, permaculturist, and wild plant lover. She has owned and operated Texas Medicinals, her herbal medicine making business, since 1999, supplying Central Texas with high quality tinctures, teas, salves, cordials, elixirs and syrups. She is the Founder, Director and Primary Instructor of Sacred Journey School of Herbalism, which offers many classes, including an 8-month, 200-hour herbalist training program, along with Community Classes, and Kitchen Witchery Classes. Her intention is not just to train people to become herbalists, but most importantly to help awaken and nurture their innate love for the plants and the Earth. Ginger counts many teachers along her herbal path, most notably Michael Moore (1999 SWSBM graduate) and Sage Maurer (Gaia School of Healing & Earth Education). She is one of the pillars of the Central Texas herbalist community, and may be best known for providing herbal care for midwives and mothers, free community herb walks, and partnering with our wild Texas plant medicines.
Love and Grief: we desire one and resist the other, but they are both part of the human experience and are both centered at the heart chakra, the nervous system plexus that pulses in the middle of the chest. In this class, we will discuss the human experiences of grief, alienation, loneliness, and attachment, as well as unconditional love and acceptance, and explore how our herbal allies can support us when while we navigate these feelings.